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OldStory/Home Linux

Xming X Server

by Alnilam 2012. 4. 6.

open source x terminal 프로그램이다.



Windows desktop, Xming in -multiwindow mode. Windows desktop, Xming in one window mode. Windows desktop, Xming in -multiwindow mode.




다운 받아 인스톨 후 설치 폴더에서 XLanuch 실행 하여 서버 설정하고 사용한다.

(PuTTY 가 설치 되어 있지 않다면 미리 설치 한다.)

1. 실행 XLanuch

2. Select display settings ( check Multiple windows )

3. Select how to start Xming  : Start a program

4. Enter or choose one X client to Run Local or Run Remote

- Start program: xterm

- Run Remote : Using PuTTY (plink.exe)

- Connect to computer : (input IP or Server Name)

- Login as user : (input id name of server )

- Password ( input password of server )

5. Sepcify parameter settings

6. Configuration complete : check "Include PuTTY Password as insecure clear text" and  Click Save configuration

( save as  configname.xlaunch )



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