Blender 2.47 공식 릴리즈
2015. 4. 1. 08:52
3월31일 블렌더 2.47 버전이 공식 릴리즈 되었습니다.
블렌더는 100% 공짜 프로그램으로 이번 릴리즈에서는 헤어 시스템, 오픈지엘(Opengl) 뷰포트 렌더링 기능이 개선되었다고 합니다.
The short overview of this release:
- Cycles got several precision, noise, speed, memory improvements, new Pointiness attribute.
- Viewport has new cool compositing features, outliner now manages orphan datablocks better.
- Modeling now allows custom normals, and transferring data layers between meshes!
- Massive improvements to hair dynamics and editing tools: a big step forward with more to come…
- A new tool “Cavity Mask” was added to sculpting/painting, along with other improvements.
- Great memory consumption optimization in Freestyle NPR stroke rendering.
- Grease pencil and Game engine improvements, and more…