XBian 0.8 released
2012. 10. 6. 21:37
XBian 0.8
We know you all waited for this! XBian 0.8 is out now!
It contains a LOT of improvements head over to the changelog to see the new features
Click here to select a download mirror near you.
Want to follow us on twitter? Follow @XBianOnPi or me (@Koenkk).
Please report your bugs and feedback on the forum!
NOTE: Turbo mode is disabled by default, you can enable it in raspi-config:
ssh -> raspi-config -> overclock
Please be aware, this MIGHT cause sd card corruption!
XBian 0.8 – 01/10/2012
- New raspberry pi firmware
- Improved analogue audio
- Included R-win’s 3.2.7 kernel V3, see: http://xbian.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1354 (Great work R-win!)
- Added colors to the console
- Fixed ‘Unable to resolve host’ when executing the sudo command
- Added FIQ patch
- Added raspi-config (Thanks to CurlyMo!)
- Added turbo mode (Very experimental! Can cause sd card corruption! Be warned! )
- Added a parition resizer addon (All credits to R-win for creating this!)
- New Memcpy/Memset this should make XBMC more fluent in some cases
- Added usb automount support for exFat formatted devices
- Fixed some typos in the XBian setting add-on (thanks to Fma965).
- Added a script which allows you to set MPEG-2/VC-1 license key’s, available in the XBian settings addon.
- Replaced the XBMC splash screen
- Added libcec 1.9
- Improved XBMC menu smoothness
From : http://xbian.org/2012/10/01/xbian-0-8/